Sunday, June 21, 2009

Obama and Iran

Our President doesn't even want to support an oppressed people. What an embarrassment.

Hope! Change! Yes we can! Unless you're Iranian... __________________
When Iranians start begging for help, as they are being slaughtered in the streets? Will we still not want to Meddle?
Remember his speech in Cairo "Democracy for all" Let's start there, shall we?


  1. Makes you wonder what a dictator really has to do to get the guy pissed off. Even if we had another Idi Amin he might say the guy has a right to his dietary preferences.

  2. Probably the dictator would have to give up power, create a constitutional republic, then Obama would snub him BIG TIME.

  3. Ooops. Meant to add, I'm following your blog now. Very pretty picture.

  4. How about Despair, Destroy and No he won't unless there's something in it for him!

  5. Gee...I wonder how you say HOPE, CHANGE, and YES WE CAN in Farsi? I think the Left refuses to help Iran because all those fires in Teheranenmen Square are contributing to Global Warming....

  6. Well, it took a while, but he finally denounced the violence in a really weak way.

    Must have seen that 10 point drop in the polls.

  7. He is not going to take a stand on this or anything else. I think that he thinks this will help his plans.

  8. Obama is just a COWARD!

  9. When these dictators start flying around and buzzing him while he's having an interview, then and only then will he swat them. Believe me, they WILL feel the wrath of the messiah, before they are KICKED to the curb.

  10. I am of mixed emotions about this. Either way you go, the US loses and always looks like the bad guys. If we help, we get blamed on seeking occupation. It will get turned into the fact that we are invading Iran because we are interested in their oil or whatever else of value they may have.

    If we don't do anything, we get labeled as cowards and how we are two faced about what we say.

    I strongly disagree with Obama's stance on many things, however, maybe being the world's police force is not altogether good either. Let someone else step up to the plate for once...I mean really, we suck anyway and the rest of the world hates the US in everything it does, so maybe if we don't do anything it would actually be a good thing...
