Nor did Bush blame Democrats. The closest he came was saying that he inherited a recession which was simple fact. Nothing wrong with Obama saying the same, but what he is trying to do by blaming “the failed policies of the last 8 years” is not acknowledge truth, but to manufacture it and plant it in the public’s minds. Democrats are all too aware that “a lie oft repeated becomes truth” and have mastered the technique.
When Obama criticizes Bush, he doesn´t sound presidential, he sounds like he´s campaigning.
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3 months ago
Hmm... who repeatedly asked the question, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" That would be Reagan blaming Carter for the economy and he did it as frequently as possible (for at least the first three years of his presidency). I don't how you can make such an assertion when the truth is readily accessible and easily available. Americans criticized Bush because he was as ignorant to the truth as you appear to be. You can't just make crap up and expect people to believe it, or "a lie oft repeated becomes truth."
ReplyDeleteBush didn't inherit a recession from Clinton. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the recession began in March 2001.
I would check your facts on that one. The deficit started going up under Clinton's last term. The Market crash 6 months into GW's. We were slipping into recession before Bush took office. Many of the hardships face by GW started w/ Clinton. Repeal of Glass Stegal, Mandate on Freddy and Fanny to increase high risk loans, breakdown of military and intelligence. The off shore drilling policies that led to the BP accident. Do your own homework. They also used accounting the would get someone thrown in jail the show a surplus. Not to mention the creating of the Roth to collect your tax dollars today while leaving a void in taxes collect in the future. I have done extensive research into Clinton. Not much good came from his admin. He did nothing to cause the expansion during his two terms. Look for yourself.
DeleteHaving lived through those years and having voted for Reagan, Reagan most CERTAINLY blamed Carter and regularly. Everyone seems to forget Reagan's popularity was very low after his first year and kept dropping until his third year. The economy took three years to turn around and Reagan was blamed. He in turn blamed Carter. Reagan was a "for sure one term president" In mid 83. Then the recession ended and he won by a landslide in 84. History is about to repeat itself.
ReplyDeleteHe certainly did! over and over . . .the head lines blared the blame game.
DeleteFrom Reagan’s 1983 State of the Union.
Delete"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."
In Reagan's 1982 State of the Union, he went after his predecessor for blame plenty of times:
"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we're going but where we've been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous."
"In the last six months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history 13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits and Government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a s taggering 21 1/2 percent. There were eight million unemployed."
"First, we must understand what's happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend"
"Now the budget deficit this year will exceed our earlier expectations. The recession did that. It lowered revenues and increased costs."
Hi Debbie- I found your blog while researching a post I'm about to write. I had to check in and respond to your anonymous liberal contrarian commenter's charge that Reagan blamed Carter "as frequently as possible (for at least the first three years of his presidency)" for the recession in the early 80's.
ReplyDeleteI lived through those times as well and do not remember ANY Obama-like barrages of finger pointing.
Further, I just did a search for these multitudinous "blame quotes" I found 1 instance of a charge concerning the Lebanon attack and it being a result of intelligence cuts in the 1970's. This quote was from Sept. 1984 during the campaign.
I found a few other CAMPAIGN quotes from 1980 that lefties are trying to use as a pathetic rebuttal to Obama constantly blaming Bush during this TERM for his failures.
During a campaign you EXPECT finger-pointing at your opponent. Once an administration begins then the president is ACCOUNTABLE...unless you're Obama.
There are also some Bush/Clinton quotes being bandied about to deflect criticism of Obama's continual Bush bashing- please drop me a line for ammo if you need it. It's about the same situation as Reagan/Carter.
Obama has NEVER blamed anyone . . other than Congress for failing to enact his jobs bill. On the other hand Regan blamed Carter before the election, in his inauguration speech, and thereafter . .
DeleteReagan 1983 State of the Union (3 years into his first term!):
ReplyDelete"The problems we inherited were far worse than most inside and out of government had expected; the recession was deeper than most inside and out of government had predicted. Curing those problems has taken more time and a higher toll than any of us wanted."
Reagan 1982 State of the Union:
"To understand the State of the Union, we must look not only at where we are and where we're going but where we've been. The situation at this time last year was truly ominous."
"In the last six months of 1980, as an example, the money supply increased at the fastest rate in postwar history 13 percent. Inflation remained in double digits and Government spending increased at an annual rate of 17 percent. Interest rates reached a s taggering 21 1/2 percent. There were eight million unemployed."
"First, we must understand what's happening at the moment to the economy. Our current problems are not the product of the recovery program that's only just now getting under way, as some would have you believe; they are the inheritance of decades of tax and tax, and spend and spend."
"The only alternative being offered to this economic program is a return to the policies that gave us a trillion-dollar debt, runaway inflation, runaway interest rates and unemployment."
"The budget in place when I took office had been projected as balanced. It turned out to have one of the biggest deficits in history."
Maybe when the term "the Bush Recession" becomes the official name for our current economy the way that the term "the Carter Recession" was used by the Reagan administration then it can be said that the Obama administration "blame-game" has reached parity with that of the Reagan admin. Also, if Reagan is the standard bearer for sounding presidential, Obama still has until at least his State of the Union Speech in 2011 to continue blaming the previous administration for the bad economy he inherited at the beginning of his presidency.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous, I only see facts stated to document to the public the affect his presidency will hope to have on the economy at that time...Please show me where Reagan blamed Carter by name. Your quotes only prove that Reagan was NOT a name blamer. Sure everyone knew the elephant in the room was Carter's incompetency but Reagan was too tactful, mature, and respectful to say "Carter's fault". My very liberal friend and I agree that both parties are at fault for our economic plans going back 15 years yet Obama Continually blames it ALL on Reps and Bush naming him by name just to deflect people from the incredible failure of his first two years. Google "obama blames bush" 617,000 results. Google "Bush blames Clinton" 81,000 results. Obama has only had 2 years (3 including campaining) to get his 617000. Bush had 9 years to get his 81000. I wonder how high Obama blames bush results will be after he loses in 2012?
ReplyDelete"Elephant in the room" ??? Yeah, because no one knew which previous President he was talking about! (sarcasm, in case you missed it).
DeleteAlso, (and this is coming from a Ron Paul supporter - pissed at Obama for going the neo con republitard way of extending the "patriot" act, extending the Afghany Opium/mineral war, extending the bu$ jr. bail outs, etc) - when Obama mentions the previous president or the vomitice bushy years it is not playing the blame game or bad-mouthing, it is stating a fact. If YOU were being blamed for 2 b.s. war$, the housing/economy break down, monkey's from mars, etc would you say, "duh, yeah, me did it!" or would you state the facts of where it came from as the commoners are so dim as to listen to the b.s. lies of the media (fox new$ we're looking in your paid-off direction). - Lindsay & erik
You have to be a complete idiot to not think Bush didn't blame anybody...he blamed Clinton and even Carter for EVERYTHING....never once did he blame his dad or Reagan, only Clinton & Carter. This is an outright LIE you have posted.
ReplyDeleteBush blamed Clinton's summit in the middle east resulting in 9/11 while giving a speech in San Diego (2002, 2009)
Bush blamed Clinton for the economic downturn in a speech (2001, 2004 & 2008)
Bush blamed Clinton for job losses (2002, 2004)
Bush blamed Clinton for North Korea nuclear weapon development in an interview with CBS (2005)
Bush blames Clinton for Jimmy Carter 25 years after he left office for Afghan war (2006 & 2010)
As for Reagan, we didn't have as much access as we do now, but he sure as hell hinted to it enough even if not coming straight out and saying it.
Weird thing is much of Obama's policies are the same as Reagan but none of you right wing nut jobs ever say that. I'm a former GOP member who left the party soon as Bush and his cronies started doing what they did taking away more freedoms than any president in history!! Now the party is just one sided and way too far right who only wants the president to fail and doesn't care if the people of this country suffer to do so, so until there's a REAL republican that knows government can work again I'll be voting Democrat or independent....Obama has an easy win in 2012 as of right now, who's got a chance? Palin, HA! even republicans think she has no chance.
Bush didn't have anything to blame Clinton for, that's why there are so few. As far as doing a Google search, this has nothing to do with the amount of times anyone blamed anyone. It only has to do with the amount of people reading and reposting. Someone needs a Statistics 101 classs...